Interested in becoming a Catholic?
Are you interested in being baptized or completing your initiation by the reception of the Sacraments of Eucharist and Confirmation? Our RCIA Program (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) can help you explore all the Catholic Faith has to offer. Come, learn, experience, believe!
What is R.C.I.A.?
R.C.I.A. is an acronym that means: Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults. It is a process for those who have not been baptized and are interested in learning more about the Catholic faith, for those who have been baptized in another Christian denomination and seek reception to the Catholic Church, and also for those who are baptized Catholic but have not received the Sacraments of Confirmation and Holy Communion.
The RCIA is spiritual journey of conversion where individuals get to know Jesus and develop a personal relationship with him. It gives them the opportunity to get acquainted with the rich traditions and beliefs of our Catholic Church and to experience the importance of a parish community and its commitment to the faithful.
There are four stages and three Rites of the R.C.I.A.:
This is a stage of informal meetings, a time of evangelization-sharing the Gospel, answering questions, and introduction to basic Catholic life, prayers, and teachings. Inquirers strive to open their hearts to the Gospel and the workings of the Holy Spirit and begin the conversion process, as the Church helps them discern whether God is calling them into the Catholic Church. The Rite of Acceptance into the Order of Catechumens / Rite of Welcome ends the Precatechumenate or inquiry stage.
After being placed in formal relationship with the Church through the Rite of Acceptance or Rite of Welcome, the Catechumens (unbaptized) and Candidates (baptized) enter a period of receiving gradual and systematic instruction in the teachings of the Catholic Faith based on the Catechism, as well as a time of formation in prayer and works of charity. They also receive special blessings and prayers and participate in the Breaking Open of the Word-a shared discussion on the meaning of the Scriptures for their lives. The Rite of Election / Call to Continuing Conversion ends the Catechumenate stage.
Through the Rite of Election, the Catechumens and Candidates enter into this period which corresponds with the season of Lent. This is an intense time of prayer, discernment, and spiritual preparation for the Easter sacraments. Catechumens and Candidates continue to Break Open the Word and to receive special blessings, help in scrutinizing their hearts, and the Presentations of the Creed and Lord’s Prayer. The reception of the Sacraments of Initiation, usually at the Easter Vigil ends the Purification and Enlightenment stage.
Following Easter until Pentecost, we “unfold the Mysteries” that have taken place. The Gospels in this period are given so that together we might reflect on what this new life in Christ means and how the newly initiated can actively participate in parish life. This period is dedicated to deepening the Christian experience and to spiritual growth. The newly baptized and the newly received begin their neophyte year which continues until the Easter Vigil the following year.
Mystagogy means unraveling, opening up the mysteries. Therefore this is an on-going process that lasts a lifetime for all Christians, as we continue to deepen our relationship with God and give thanks for the graces received through the sacraments.
Maybe you have been experiencing a longing in your heart calling you to welcome God in your life. Listen to that call. It’s our Heavenly Father reaching his arms out to welcome you; it is the Holy Spirit whispering in your ear, hoping to draw you home.
The preparation process is different depending on your personal situation. We hope you allow us to be part of your journey to experiencing how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ for all of us. Please contact us to discuss the options and begin your journey into a life of love, hope and faith.
Classes are available in English and Spanish. RCIA Team: Deacon Edwin Cancel, Pauline Reid, Maria Santos. Call our Religious Education office at 718-896-4388 if you have any questions. To begin the process, please fill out the RCIA Information form and email it to [email protected]
¿Está interesado(a) en convertirse en católico?
Nuestro Programa RICA (Rito de Iniciación Cristiana para Adultos) puede ayudarle a explorar todo lo que la Fe Católica tiene para ofrecer. ¡Venga, aprenda, experimente, crea!
¿Qué es R.C.I.A.?
R.C.I.A. es un acrónimo que significa: Rito de Iniciación Cristiana de Adultos. Es un proceso para aquellos que no han sido bautizados y están interesados en aprender más sobre la fe católica, para aquellos que han sido bautizados en otra denominación cristiana y buscan integrarse a la Iglesia Católica, y también para aquellos que fueron bautizados como católicos, pero aún no han recibido los sacramentos de la Confirmación y la Primera Comunión.
El RICA es una jornada espiritual de conversión donde las personas llegan a conocer a Jesús y desarrollan una relación personal con él. Les da la oportunidad de familiarizarse con las ricas tradiciones y creencias de nuestra Iglesia Católica y de experimentar la importancia de una comunidad parroquial y su compromiso con los fieles.
Tal vez usted ha estado experimentando un llamado en su corazón que lo incita a recibir a Dios en su vida. Escuche ese llamado. Es nuestro Padre Celestial extendiendo sus brazos para darle la bienvenida; es el Espíritu Santo susurrándole al oído, esperando llevarle a casa.
El proceso de preparación es diferente según su situación personal. Esperamos que nos permita ser parte de su jornada espiritual para experimentar cuán amplio, largo, alto y profundo es el amor de Cristo por todos nosotros. Por favor contáctenos para discutir las opciones y comenzar su camino hacia una vida de amor, esperanza y fe.
Clases disponibles en inglés y español. Equipo de RICA: Diacono Edwin Cancel, Pauline Reid, Maria Santos. Por favor llame a nuestra oficina de Educación Religiosa al 718-896-4388 si tiene alguna pregunta. Por favor complete el formulario de RCIA Information y envíelo a [email protected]